Andrew Saipe - ASDT Director

Andrew Saipe has presented to many different organisations, including law firms, accountancy firms, charitable organisations, and small businesses.

Andrew regularly trains in a number of martial arts including karate, krav maga and boxing. His personal experiences, from spending time as a door supervisor, to securing large scale events over a number of years, has enabled Andrew to observe, and interact in a number of threatening and violent situations.

This experience has built a wealth of knowledge to help understand how situations can escalate and how to avoid them. 

Andrew has also won a number of accolades in competitive karate including representing England and Great Britain internationally.

Skills and experience

Andrew has liaised with the police and coordinated security for indoor and outdoor events as well as private and public security in the leisure industry.

With many years of delivering numerous lectures and seminars, this invaluable experience has given him a fundamental grass roots knowledge into understanding the fears of victims of violent crime, threatening behaviour and all-round personal safety in everyday life.

The reality

National statistics confirm that we are potentially at risk from random attacks and prevention can be better than cure. It seems what we used to have to do to defend ourselves has grown 10-fold and the incidence of knife crime continues to increase.

Being aware of our surroundings has never been more important. We must follow some basic rules to avoid these potential situations.

To receive a ’10 top tips personal safety leaflet’ please get in touch

"The course was excellent, and the training has been superb – my thanks and comments to Andrew for the quality advice, we all feel a lot more aware and able to deal with situations."
Sara Levy
Ernst and Young
"ASDT's training session was simply the best I have attended, with real life examples, fun, very interactive, and we all learnt a lot, practically. Highly recommended !"
Mike Johnson
Harrogate C.O.C

"When it comes to self defence, it is better to have the power and not need it than to need it and not have it"

Contact us to discuss options on 07917 778370